Friday, July 7, 2017

Vertical Stabilizer Part 1

I skipped a few days of blogging on the Vertical Stabilizer as I was too busy actually working on it!

The edges and holes were deburred.  The edges were sanded to a "won't cut your finger" smoothness.  Ribs were sanded, alumiprep'd and primed.  The skin was alumiprep'd and primed.   I used EkoPrime single-part primer Stewart Systems.  Its not resistant to solvents, but there shouldn't be any in the tail.  Unlike epoxy, any unused primer can be dumped back into the bucket for later use.

Here is a tour of the skeleton:

I cleco'd one side of the VS and before doing the other side, one last look.

Finished riveting one side.  Tomorrow I'll do the other side and that will pretty much complete the VS.  There are two nutplates (to attach the forward VS cover) that I couldn't get with the rivet squeezer so I'll have to borrow someone's rivet gun and bucking bar this weekend - should be a 10 minute job.

Today: 5 HOURS;  Tail TT: 12 HOURS;  TT: 12 HOURS

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